Creating books overview
Using the book designs and page layouts included in Aperture, you can print outstanding portfolios of your work that show your photos in their best light. You can order printed books of your photos using the Apple print vendor service, which provides excellent printed results and direct delivery to you or your clients. You can also print your own custom books on a color printer or create files that you can hand off to a print vendor.
When you select or create a book album in the Library inspector, the Book Layout Editor appears along with the Browser. You use the Book Layout Editor to set up the page structure of your book and place photos and text on the pages.
Note: Although you can create books larger than 99 pages, there is a 99-page limit for books ordered through the Apple print vendor. When you try to order a book larger than 99 pages, a dialog warns you that there are too many pages. If you plan to print a book using the Apple print vendor, make sure to keep the number of pages at or below the 99-page limit.
If you prefer to print your books yourself, you can print your book using your own office printer or export your book as a PDF file that you can send to a print shop for printing.
Important: Books created in Aperture are not visible when working with your Aperture library in iPhoto. However, your Aperture books are not discarded. To view and work with your Aperture books, open the Aperture library in Aperture.