Add map boxes to a book page

If you’ve added location information to your photos using Places, you can add a map to a book page showing the locations where the surrounding photos were shot. In addition, you can define a route between locations to illustrate the journey between destinations.

Note: The Map box feature is available only in certain book themes. For more information about book themes, see Create a book album.

Add a map box to a page

  1. In the Book Layout Editor, click the Edit Layout button, if it’s not already selected.

  2. Select a page in the Pages pane.

  3. Choose Add Map Box from the Add Box pop-up menu.

    Figure. Add Box pop-up menu in the Book Layout Editor.

When the map box appears on the selected page in the Book Layout Editor, you can drag it to a new position and resize it. Locations assigned to photos in photo boxes surrounding the map box are automatically plotted on the map.

Give the map a title

You can give the map a title that appears over the bottom-left portion of the map.

  1. In the Book Layout Editor, double-click the map.

    The Map Options HUD appears.

  2. In the Map Options HUD, enter a title for the map in the Title field at the top of the HUD.

    Figure. Title field shown in the Map Options HUD.

A title appears over the bottom-left portion of the map in the Book Layout Editor.

Add a location to the map

By default, the map automatically displays the locations where the photos that surround it were captured, provided they have location information assigned to them. However, you can also add and remove locations that appear on the map using the Map Options HUD.

  1. If necessary, double-click the map in the Book Layout Editor.

  2. In the Map Options HUD, click the Add button (+) .

    A new, untitled location appears.

    Figure. New "Untitled" location in the Map Options HUD.
  3. Click the Untitled location and enter a location that you would like to appear on the map.

    A list of locations appears below.

    Figure. Map Options HUD showing information entered in place of the Untitled location and locations displayed in the search results.
  4. Choose the location from the list.

The new location appears on the map in the Book Layout Editor.

Remove a location from the map

  1. If necessary, double-click the map in the Book Layout Editor.

  2. In the Map Options HUD, do one of the following:

    • To temporarily remove a location from the map: Deselect the checkbox next to the location’s name.

    • To permanently remove a location from the map: Select the location’s name, then click the Remove button (–) .

      Figure. Map Options HUD showing a location's checkbox deselected.

The location is removed from the map.

Show direction lines between locations on the map

You can show direction lines between locations on the map to illustrate the progression of your journey from place to place in your photo essay.

  1. If necessary, double-click the map in the Book Layout Editor.

  2. In the Map Options HUD, choose one of the following options from the Action pop-up menu :

    • To show a simple set of lines connecting the locations on the map: Choose Show Straight Lines.

    • To show curved lines with arrowheads indicating the direction of movement from one place to another: Choose Show Lines with Arrowheads.

      Figure. Action pop-up menu in the Map Options HUD.

The direction lines appear on the map.

Set the path of the direction lines in the map

When you show direction lines on the map, they may not initially connect locations in a way that matches the route you intended. You set the path of the direction lines by rearranging the order of the locations in the Map Options HUD.

  1. If necessary, double-click the map in the Book Layout Editor.

  2. In the Map Options HUD, drag the locations into the order in which you want the direction lines to appear on the map, from top to bottom.

    Figure. Map Options HUD shown dragging locations to rearranged the direction lines on the map in the book.
  3. If you want the last location on the map connected to the first location on the map, choose Return to Starting Place from the Map Options HUD Action pop-up menu .

The direction lines on the map are updated to match the order of locations in the Map Options HUD.

Choose the area shown in the map

You can specify which part of the map is visible on the page by zooming in to and out of the map and repositioning the map. If you’ve repositioned the map and the photo locations are off-center or no longer appear, you can return the map to a position centered on the photo locations.

  1. If necessary, double-click the map in the Book Layout Editor.

  2. In the Map Options HUD, do any of the following:

    • To zoom in to and out of the map: Drag the Zoom slider (at the top of the HUD) to the right to zoom in and to the left to zoom out.

    • To reposition the map to show other locations: Drag the map to reposition it.

    • To center the map on the photo locations: Choose Center Map on Places from the Map Options HUD Action pop-up menu .

      Figure. Action pop-up menu in the Map Options HUD.