Apply Quick Brush adjustments
Aperture provides Quick Brush adjustments, such as Dodge, Burn, Halo Reduction, and Skin Smoothing, that have been specifically designed for brushing on images. To apply a Quick Brush adjustment, you brush the adjustment on the image and then modify the adjustment’s parameter settings.
Apply a Quick Brush adjustment
Select a photo.
Do one of the following:
In the Adjustments inspector or the Adjustments pane of the Inspector HUD, choose Quick Brushes from the Add Adjustment pop-up menu, and choose a Quick Brush adjustment from the submenu.
Choose a Quick Brush adjustment from the Quick Brush pop-up menu
in the tool strip.
In full-screen view, choose a Quick Brush adjustment from the Quick Brush pop-up menu in the toolbar.
The pointer turns into a brush, the Brush HUD for the adjustment appears, and adjustment controls for the adjustment appear in the Adjustments inspector and the Adjustments pane of the Inspector HUD, if both are shown.
Note: The controls in the Retouch HUD are different from those that appear in the Brush HUD for other brushed adjustments. For more information, see Retouch an image.
In the Brush HUD, specify the following settings:
To adjust the size of the brush: Use the Brush Size parameter controls.
Tip: Use the scroll gesture to quickly resize the brush as you work.
To adjust the softness of the brush: Use the Softness parameter controls.
To adjust the intensity of the brush: Use the Strength parameter controls.
To specify that the adjustment detect edges in order to preserve detail: Select the Detect Edges checkbox.
Note: For additional options, see Work with brush strokes.
Brush the adjustment over the areas of the image you want to apply it to.